Below is the process for recording attendance in Skyward and sending chronic absenteeism notifications.
Attendance must be excused through the office or the Attendance Line. Notifications to teachers only will not be excused.
801-826-8650, OPTION 1
Absence = Full-Day or Half-Day (half-day ends at 12:20 on M-TH and 11:25 on Fridays)
- Guardian Excused – Parent call within 1 week of absence
- Health Care Provider – Doctor’s note provided within 1 week of absence
- Bereavement
- Court
- Family Event
- Mental Health
- Religious
- Educational Leave (Vacation)
- Educational Leave Form turned into the office before leaving
- 10 educational leave days allowed per school year
- Unexcused – No parent call within 1 week of absence
9:00 – 9:15
A student is tardy if not in class when the tardy bell rings and during the first 15 minutes of school.
Once the tardy bell rings, students need to get a tardy slip from the office. If they do not, they will be marked absent.
Parent call or sign-in is not required.
After 9:15
Parent call or sign-in is required.
A check-out is any time a student is checked out during school hours.
Please limit check-outs to exceptional circumstances and try to schedule appointments outside of school time.
Parents/emergency contacts may call when they are 5-10 minutes away and the office will call the student down to wait in the office. Parents/emergency contacts are required to come in to the office to check out a student and photo ID is required if office staff does not recognize you.
Release Time
If a student misses school at the same time every week, parents should consider release time.
Fill out the form online at releases.canyonsdistrict.org.
Release time does not count against attendance.
Parents do not need to call or come in once approved.
Make-Up Work
If you are concerned about your student missing classwork when he or she is absent (other than vacation leave process), please contact the teacher. Allow teachers at least two school days to respond to the make-up work request. Same day requests are usually not possible as teachers are engaged in instruction.
Chronic Absenteeism Letters
- First Inquiry Letter: 5 or more absences
- Second Inquiry Letter (Conference with Principal): 10 or more absences
- Interventions with school team
- If issues are not resolved, possible Certified Notification and Referral to the District
Chronic absenteeism, missing 10% or more, of the school year (including excused and unexcused absences) has a significant negative effect on student achievement and may put a student at academic risk.
Tips for Supporting Regular School Attendance
- Set expectations early in the school year for your child to come to school every day and be consistent in enforcing them
- Support your child in keeping a regular bedtime and establishing a morning routine.
- Whenever possible, plan vacations and dental and doctor visits for when school is not in session.
- Develop back-up plans for transportation; call on a family member, neighbor, or another parent.
- Talk to your teachers or school counselors if your child feels anxious about going to school.