11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

About Us

Who We Are

Built in 1985, Lone Peak Elementary is a well established school that serves both the communities of Sandy and Draper. We feed into both Draper Park Middle and Indian Hills Middle, as well as Alta High and Corner Canyon High. We serve approximately 650 students. 

We have housed the dual language immersion program (Mandarin Chinese) at our school from the beginning of the creation of Canyons School District in 2009. In 1st-5th grade, we have up to 56 students in each grade participating in the dual language immersion program. 

Our Mission

Lone Peak Elementary will meet each individual student’s needs to establish a firm foundation and love of learning necessary for life, college and career readiness.

School Colors & Mascot

School Colors: Red, Black and Silver – Wear school colors on Fridays!

School Mascot: Edgar the Eagle

Principal's Pride

At the end of every month, each teacher selects a student for Principal’s Pride who exemplifies that month’s character trait. Teachers will invite those parents to a school-wide assembly.

2024-2025 Goals

Goal #1: (5th Grade Writing) By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 5th graders at Lone Peak Elementary will increase their proficiency on Purpose, Focus and Organization in writing by 40% on RISE.

Goal #2: (Reading) By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 80% or more of students at Lone Peak Elementary will make typical or better progress in reading as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress.

Goal #3: (Mathematics) By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 85% of students at Lone Peak Elementary will make typical or better progress in math as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress.

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