- Teachers will teach expectations and supervise arrival procedures.
- Students will enter the building through their classroom doors rather than lining up in the morning in order to mitigate potential exposure
- Instruction will begin as usual at 8:50 am. Late students will check in at the office and observe marked physical distancing guides. Parents will send a note for check-in rather than accompany a child into the office when tardy
- Teachers will teach expectations and supervise dismissal procedures.
- Other students will be released at dismissal with each grade level staggering exit times by class. All students will leave the building through their grade-level exterior door.
- Families are encouraged to predetermine an outside meeting spot for older siblings to meet and assist younger siblings.
- Walking students will be taught to leave the campus promptly and observe physical distancing. A duty teacher will supervise and clear the playground.
- Students waiting for rides should stand at marked locations and observe physical distancing guidelines.
- After school round-up at 3:35 will move students into the foyer where they will sit observing physical distancing guidelines.
- Students eating Breakfast will enter the front doors and proceed to the cafeteria.
- Students will sanitize hands upon entry to cafeteria.
- Students will sit at grade level tables for contact tracing.
- Tables will be cleaned after use.
- Unnecessary furniture will be removed from classrooms.
- Seating will be arranged to minimize risk.
- Seating charts will be created for contact tracing.
- Teachers will explicitly teach routines to mitigate risk including hygiene and sanitation (hand washing, using hand sanitizer, materials usage, etc.)
- Students will not mix with other classes to aid possible contact tracing.
- Students will sanitize hands every time they come into the classroom with additional hand sanitizing/washing built into daily schedules including before lunch. (Provided by recess aides)
- Classroom sinks will be used to fill water bottles or cups, not for individual drinks.
- Morning meeting routines revised to promote physical distancing.
- All interior doors will be propped open to minimize high touch points and increase ventilation. Doors will remain locked per safety incident protocols.
- Custodian will schedule sanitation and cleaning of classrooms daily. Only CSD approved cleaning materials will be used by teachers and students for intermittent light cleaning.
- Dual Immersion Classrooms will clean classrooms between classroom rotations
- Split Classrooms will clean classrooms between classroom rotations
- Signage indicating walking paths will be placed in halls.
- Physically distance when in halls
- Students will be taught proper handwashing expectations in addition to signage in the restroom.
- Grade levels will limit number of students in the restroom at any given time.
- Custodial services will clean restrooms frequently. A sanitation and cleaning rotation schedule will be followed.
- Tables will be sanitized between grade level lunches.
- Multiple disposal garbage cans will be available to reduce congestion.
- Lunch schedule may be altered slightly to eliminate overlap of grades.
- Classes will be seated together and seats assigned to support contact tracing.
- Students will be seated in cohort groups to aid with contact tracing
- The lunch box basket routine will be maintained.
- Students will sanitize hands upon entry to cafeteria.
Brain Boosters
- Students will not be combined into groups from different classes to promote group distancing. Rather, classes will remain together for Brain Boosters.
- Booster lessons will be revised to mitigate higher-risk activities (singing, sharing materials, etc,)
- Brain booster rotation schedule will be altered to minimize contact.
Tier II Support
- Tier II support will continue to push into classrooms. Their designated space will be cleaned prior to and after working with students.
- Teachers will consider creating skills groups to reduce overlap of classes.
Grade Level Recess
- Grade level staggered recess schedule will be maintained.
- Students will sanitize upon leaving and re-entering classroom.
- Faculty will wear masks when appropriate distancing is not possible.
- Personal toys cannot be taken outside (should not be brought to school).
- School will supply all equipment.
- Individual and group physical distancing expectations will be taught.
- Playworks coach will teach touch free games and activities.
Lunch Recess
- Maintain grade-level staggered schedule.
- Students will sanitize hands upon leaving and re-entering their classrooms.
- Kindergarten will play on their playground only.
- School will provide all equipment
- Personal toys cannot be taken outside (should not be brought to school)
- School assemblies will occur in smaller cohort groups
- Students will be seated in alphabetical order when possible for potential contact tracing
- Plexiglass barriers will be installed.
- Office phones will only be used by office staff. Staff will communicate student messages to parents.
- Families are encouraged to call ahead to office, when a student needs to leave during the school day to prevent long wait times when parents arrive at the school to pick them up.
- Office staff are responsible to place signage on all entry and exit doors identifying flow paths to minimize congestion.
- Students must come to office when sick. Protocol will be followed in regards to symptom check and isolation if symptoms are present.
Visitors and Volunteers
- Volunteers must complete volunteer application on the district website.
- Volunteers will follow school and classroom protocols.
Health Room
- The health room will serve as the quarantine room to temporarily isolate students until parents can pick them up.
- All medications will be stored in an alternate secure location to ensure they may be administered if the health room is in use to isolate a student.
- An alternate location will be designated for other health/injury needs if the health room is in use for isolation.
- Staff will support transportation department safety protocols to mitigate risk.
Accommodating Individual Circumstances: High Risk, Personal Decisions
High Risk Identification Process:
- We will work closely with families and the school/district nurse, special education staff, and/or the school psychologist to review and revise health care/504/IEP plans with special consideration to mitigating risk.
- All staff interacting with these students will be notified of needs identified in individual plans.
Minimizing and mitigating risk for employees who identify as high-risk:
- We will coordinate with Human Resources to support employees identifying as high-risk