11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

September 20, 2021 – Minutes


Tracy Stacy, Principal
Brenda Sim, Chair/Parent
Lara Liu, Vice Chair/Parent
Lorie Langeland, Scribe/Parent
Brooke D’Sousa, Parent
Kristi Davis, Teacher
Julie Schow, Teacher

Cinnamin Morton, Parent

  1. Welcome: Ms. Stacy welcomed SCC members
    1. Introduction to SCC: Ms. Stacy introduced the purpose of SCC link to information here.
    2. Introduction to open positions: chair, Vice- Chair and Scribe positions were all explained. The chair will lead meetings and send the agenda to SCC a week prior to the meeting.  The agenda will be placed on the school website. Vice Chair will lead meetings in the absence of the chair.  Scribe will take meeting minutes to be approved at the next meeting.
  2. Organize SCC: Voting for positions
    1. Motion to nominate Brenda Sim for Chair by Lorie Langland. Seconded by Lara Liu. Voted for: 8 Voted Against: 0
    2. Motion to nominate Lara Liu for Vice Chair by Brooke D’Sousa. Seconded by  Lorie Langland. Voted for: 8 Voted Against: 0
    3. Scribe assigned to Lorie Langland with Julie Schow as backup.
  3. SCC Training Dates- Council alerted to training dates
    1. September 30, 2021
      3:30 p.m. All SCC
      5:00 p.m. All SCC
      6:30 p.m. Chairs and Vice Chair training
  4. Bylaws: council to review bylaws here.
  5. Meeting Dates: Council agreed to meeting on the second Monday of each month. Dates will be placed on school calendar.
  6. Review of Land Trust and TSSP: Plans and goals were reviewed for the 2021-2022 school year. Council had no questions.
  7. Cell Tower Funds: Ms. Stacy proposed moving $2,000 in Cell Tower funds to Principal’s Discretionary account for use on teacher prizes, lunches, treats, and student prizes. Lara Liu posed the question of whether $2,000 was enough. Amount was increased to $3,000. Brenda Sim made a motion to approve moving $3,000 to Prinicipal Discretionary account. Lorie Langeland seconded the motion. Council voted. For: 8 Against: 0
  8. Motion to dismiss made by Lara Liu. Seconded by Brenda Sim. Council voted. For: 8 Against: 0
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