11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

September 14, 2020 – Minutes



Tracy Stacy – Principal
Crystal Waters – Teacher
Toni Williams – Teacher



Michelle Pearce – Chair
Zac Watne – Vice Chair
Victor Diercksen
Sadie Knutsen
Lara Liu
Cinnamin Morton

  1. Welcome

    1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes (3/9/20); Lara motion to approve, Crystal 2nd, all present approved

    2. Scribe for this meeting’s minutes – Michelle / Toni

  2. Organize School Council

    1. Chair – Michelle Pearce

    2. Vice Chair – Zac Watne; Victor motion to approve, Lara 2nd, all present approved

    3. Scribe – Cinnamin Morton; Michelle motion to approve, Victor 2nd, all present approved

  3. SCC Training Dates

    1. SCC Training – All SCC Members – Online module or in person (9361 South 300 East): i. 10/1/20: 1:00 – 2:30 pm or 6:30 – 8:00 pm

      ii. 10/13/20: 10:00 – 11:30 am or 6:30 – 8:00 pm

    2. SCC101 – New members

    3. Chair to track who attends (online and in person)

  4. Review Bylaws / Establish rules of order and procedure

    1. Bylaws are located on the school website.

      1. Meeting attendance bylaws reviewed. Cannot miss 3 consecutive meetings. SCC

        members should plan to attend for voting.

      2. No meeting planned for December, June, July or August

      3. Roberts Rules currently used for SCC (on school website). Vote to replace Roberts Rules with the rule of order and procedure from Canyons Website (more simplified). Principal Stacy motion to approve, Toni 2nd, Lara opposed. All else present approved. Majority vote obtained to amend.

      4. Typically elect the SCC chair at the end of the prior school year.

    2. Explanation of roles and responsibilities

  5. Set meeting dates

    1. Meetings will be the 2nd Monday of the month at 3:40 pm in the Lone Peak media center

    2. The council prepares timeline with reporting dates

  6. Review requirements for Open and Public Meetings Act (OPMA)

    1. SCC agenda will be on the school website 1 week before each meeting

    2. A draft of the minutes from the last meeting will be on the school website one week prior to the SCC meeting ready for approval at the next meeting

    3. Will be discussing: TSSP, School Safety Plan, Snap Plan and Land Trust. No personnel issues will be discussed.

  7. Review 2020-2021 TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) and Land Trust Plan

    1. 80% of K-3 typical or better progress as measured by Acadience testing’

    2. 3-5 grades math scores increase by 3% for Rise scores

    3. 3-5 grades science scores increase by 3% for Rise scores

    4. Due to unexpected on-line learning at the end of school due to COVID-19, they had to look at the scores from prior school year

  8. Review School Safety Plan

    1. Digital citizenship

    2. Snow removal and ice accumulation on blacktop and kindergarten play area

      i. Drainage system installed on back field
      ii. Received clearance from district to plow the blacktop
      iii. Kinders not able to plow. Need to revisit this issue in colder weather

    3. Lack of sidewalk for drop off in back

      i. The District put in a sidewalk at the back

    4. Lack of school nurses

      i. Additional nurses hired. At the school most days and on call.

  9. October will be Student Safety Month in Canyons

    1. Digital Citizenship is taught in STEM classes. A new teacher for STEM was hired and doing great.

    2. There is a 2nd week of Digital Citizenship in the spring and the teachers help to teach that. We typically purchase a program that is used.

    3. Keep an eye on kids walking. There are no grass guards this year. The school is not using 5th graders to help out this year.

  10. PTA Update
    1. The typical Halloween parade will not be allowed due to social distancing as a result of COVID- 19. New ideas for Halloween are in discussion such as a parade at school, no parents, one grade level at a time and upload to a private YouTube page.
  11.  Adjourn
    1. Principal Stacy motion to adjourn
    2. Michelle Pearce 2nd
    3. All present approved
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