11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

September 12, 2022 – Minutes

SCC Attendance:

Tracy Stacy – Principal
Lara Liu – Parent (Chair)
Cinnamin Morton – Parent (Vice Chair)
Lorie Langeland – Parent
Brenda Sim – Parent
Julie Schow – Teacher (Scribe)


  1. Welcome: Began 3:45 p.m.
    1. Ms. Stacy welcomed SCC members
      1. Introduction and Meeting Agenda
      2. Management of funds related to Land Trust and TSSA.
      3. Review of data and plan
      4. Goal setting
    2. Discussion: Purpose of SCC
  2. Organize School Council/Vote on Open Positions
    1. The Vice Chair will run meetings in absence of the Chair. Cinnamin Morton volunteered to serve as Vice Chair. Motion to approve Cinnamin Morton as Vice Chair by Julie Schow, seconded by Lorie Langeland. Council voted for: 6, Against: 0
    2. The Scribe will take detailed notes (minutes) to be posted on the SCC site. Julie Schow volunteered. No vote needed.
  3. Set Meeting Dates
    1. Review requirements for open and public meetings act
    2. Notice of meetings, keeping minutes and recordings, agendas and voting
    3. Meetings will be held the 2nd Monday of each month:
      1. Meeting dates will be 9/12, 10/10, 11/14, 12/12, 1/9, 2/13, 3/13, 4/10, 5/8
  4. Review 2022-2023 TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) and Land Trust Plan
    1. ELA Goal: By the end of the 2022-2023 school year, 80% or more of Lone Peak students in grades K-3 will make typical or better progress as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress. In addition, 80% of grade 4-5 students who score Basic or Below Basic, will advance at least one level on the Reading Inventory by the end of the 2022-2023 school year (TSSP).
      Math Goal: By the end of the 2022-2023 school year, students in grades 2-5 at Lone Peak Elementary will grow in proficiency on Concepts and Applications to achieve 85% proficient as measured by Acadience Benchmark data (TSSP).
    2. Review of how the funds will be used: funds for substitutes or stipends, teachers will collaborate and plan for tier 1 instruction (Land Trust). BLT decided to leave these funds allocated for planning and use instead for the purchase of Dreambox licenses for students to build conceptual knowledge in Math ($5,000 – Land Trust).
    3. Salaries for 4 total instructional assistants to assist teachers in providing tier 2  interventions for students ($17,500 Land Trust and $17,500 TSSP).
    4. Purchase 95% Group phonics program materials and manipulatives to support tier 2 instruction ($10,000 Land Trust).
    5. School Counselor salary provides support to students to increase self-regulation strategies and reduce anxiety to support classroom instruction ($35,000 TSSP).
    6.  Theatre and Art teachers’ salaries to support ELA curriculum and content integration in the classroom ($15,000 TSSP).
    7. Funds used to start up the PBIS program software ($3,000), the purchase of a badge printer ($7,000), salary for one recess/copy room assistant to support students in school-wide expectations and to help run the PBIS school store ($8,000) (TSSP).
    8. No council member had questions about the 2022-2023 TSSP (Teacher Student Success Plan) and Land Trust Plans.
  5. Cell Tower Funds
    1. Ms. Stacy requested to move $3,000 to principal discretionary fund to be used for teacher appreciation week. Motion to move $3,000 to principal discretionary fund by Brenda Sim, seconded by Lorie Langeland. Council voted for: 6, Against: 0
  6. SCC Next Meeting will be October 10, 2022
  7. Adjourn Meeting 4:05 p.m.
    1. Motion to adjourn by Lara Liu, seconded by Lorie Langeland. Council voted for: 6, Against: 0