11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

October 14, 2024 – Minutes

SCC Attendance:

Shad DeMill – Principal
Lara Liu – Parent/Chair
Maya Murphy – Parent/Vice Chair
Julie Schow – Teacher/Scribe
Lorie Langeland – Parent
Cinnamin Morton – Parent
Jennifer Willie – Parent
Nicole Luna – Teacher (Digital Citizenship)

Craig Estep – Parent
Ryan Zimmerman – Parent

  1. Welcome
    Began meeting at 4:00 p.m. Lara Liu welcomed SCC members.
    1. Introduction and Meeting Agenda
    2. Approve minutes from September
    3. PTA Liaison
    4. Digital Citizenship Presentation
    5. Digital Citizenship Plan
    6. Safe Walking Routes Plan
    7. School Safety Plan
  2. Approve September SCC meeting minutes
    1. Motion to approve the minutes by Maya Murphy, seconded by Lorie Langeland.
      Council voted for: 7, against: 0
  3. PTA Liaison
    1. Jennifer Willie nominates Lorie Langeland to be the liaison for PTA/SCC, seconded by Cinnamin Morton.
      Council voted for: 7, against: 0
  4. Digital Citizenship Presentation by teacher Nicole Luna
    1. Discussion and review of the Canyons School District digital citizenship links and information on the district’s digital citizenship plan.
    2. Discussion: What is digital citizenship?
    3. Teachers receive training on responsible use of district devices, filters, and online expectations. Teachers model online safety and responsibility. Employees and students sign responsible use guidelines each school year.
    4. Canyons District uses the Content Keeper filtering systems to filter and block inappropriate content and have safe search settings. Elementary schools have the highest safety settings and filters.
    5. Administrators have access to students’ search history. Parents are able to view their student’s online activity and select restrictions on the Technology Connect Portal.
    6. Teachers will supervise students’ online activities by walking around the room and/or online monitoring system Lan School.
    7. The week of October 14-16 is Digital Citizenship Week. Stickers are provided to give to students that are showing responsible digital citizenship.
    8. Digital citizenship lessons are taught by classroom teachers as part of the Thrive Time curriculum.
  5. Digital Citizenship Plan
    1. The digital citizenship plan for Lone Peak Elementary follows all district guidelines in providing teacher supervision and filtering systems.
    2. The plan outlines six classroom lessons on digital citizenship as part of Thrive Time.
    3. The communication to parents and community about digital citizenship  is through ParentSquare messages, newsletters, and announcements during Digital Citizenship Week.
    4. The SCC agrees, they have been provided with enough information regarding filters, education, and communication about digital citizenship provided at Lone Peak Elementary.
    5. The SCC agrees that this plan is sufficient for providing safety, education, and information for students and parents at Lone Peak Elementary.
    6. There are no changes to the plan and Principal DeMill will complete the summary.
  6. Safe Walking Routes Plan by Shad DeMill
    1. Principal DeMill reviewed the safe walking route explanation and maps.
    2. Discussion: concerns of the absence of the crossing guard up until the first bell and a reasonable time after school. Principal DeMill will check and express the concerns with Sandy City on the timing of the crossing guards.
    3. Discussions: concerns on the back drop-off area flow of traffic in drop-off and drive-through lanes. Student safety concerns getting in and out of cars and parents parking in drop-off lanes. Principal DeMill will review with on-duty teachers the flow of traffic and drop-off protocols and give a reminder to parents in the school newsletter.
    4. Discussion: concerns of missing painted crosswalk lines after road resurfacing on Hidden Valley Blvd and Lone Eagle Lane. Principal DeMill will check with Sandy City and add a safe walking caution to the plan.
  7. Safety Concern
    1. SCC expressed the number one safety concern for Lone Peak Elementary is that the playground is unsecure. The fences are inadequate to provide safety and security to students during school hours and recesses.
    2. SCC is requesting to enclose the playground with chain link fencing to provide security to students at recess.
  8. SCC next meeting to be November 11, 2024
  9. Adjourn meeting at 5:00 p.m.
    1. Motion to adjourn by Lorie Langeland, seconded by Cinnamin Mortin.
      Council voted for: 7, against: 0