11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

January 13, 2025 – Minutes

SCC Attendance:

Shad DeMill – Principal
Lara Liu – Parent/Chair
Julie Schow – Teacher/Scribe
Lorie Langeland – Parent/PTA Liaison
Cinnamin Morton – Parent
Craig Estep – Parent
Jennifer Willie – Parent
Ryan Zimmerman – Parent

Maya Murphy – Parent/Vice Chair


  1. Welcome
    Began meeting at 3:45 p.m. and Lara Liu welcomed SCC members
    1. Welcome
    2. Approval of minutes from November meeting
    3. Discussion on website updates
    4. Review remaining tasks for this year
    5. Final report for previous year plan
    6. Update on current year Land Trust plan
    7. Begin next year’s TSSP and Land Trust plans
    8. Adjourn
  2. Approve November SCC Meeting Minutes
    1. Motion to approve the March minutes by Lorie Langeland, seconded by Cinnamin Morton
      Council voted for: 6, against: 0
  3. Discussion on the website updates
    1. SCC members checked to see if personal and contact information on the roster are correct.
    2. Mr. DeMill verified meeting updates and checked that all links are working. He will finish and submit on school and state websites.
    3. Mr. DeMill informed SCC, previous year’s plan will be submitted by him to School Performance by January 18th. Presentation to SCC will be at the February meeting.
  4. Review remaining tasks for this school year
    1. Cell Tower budget expenditures update: Mr. DeMill stated the funds have been used for teacher appreciation to include beginning year breakfast, birthday treats, PTC treats, holiday gifts, professional development and training.
    2. Update on current year Land Trust plan: Mr. DeMill stated that $35,000 is spent on interventionist salaries, PBIS store and supplies, substitutes for professional development or planning time. End of year may roll over $3,900 to the next school year.
  5. Begin next year’s TSSP and Land Trust
    1. School goals and focus are based on Acadience benchmark data and 5th grade RISE end of year assessment. Goals: by the end of the 2024-2025 school year, 80% or more of Lone Peak students will make typical or better progress in reading and 85% in math as measured by Acadience Pathways to Progress. Fifth graders will increase their proficiency on purpose, focus, and organization in writing by 40% on the RISE.
    2. TSSP and Land Trust funds are used for assistants for Tier 2 and MTSS, and increased hours for BTSA visual arts, theatre technician and the school counselor. There are funds used for Dreambox (math) licenses, PBIS software, supplies, and prizes ($2 per student), the Grace Dearborn professional development and other training school professional development.
    3. Discussion and questions: What are we doing to help with student behavior and increase movement? We do Thrive Time lessons to teach social, emotional and problem-solving skills. We had the district Playworks director do a PD last month. How else can we support more movement to help decrease negative behaviors? The school BLT will do some problem-solving. Perhaps a climate goal for behavior to include movement for students. How can we have PD with Grace Dearborn at Lone Peak with a mid-year follow-up? How can have a climate/behavior goal that is not necessarily measured by office referrals? We will do some checking and further discussions on these questions.
  6. SCC next meeting is February 10, 2025
  7. Adjourn meeting at 4:45 p.m.
    1. Motion to adjourn by Lorie Langeland, seconded by Ryan Zimmerman
      Council voted for: 9, against: 0