11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

February 8, 2021 – Minutes


Tracy Stacy – Principal
Michele Mickelsen – Teacher
Toni Williams – Teacher

Michelle Pearce – Chair/Parent
Zac Watne – Vice Chair/Parent
Brooke D’Sousa – Parent
Victor Diercksen – Parent
Lara Liu – Parent
Cinnamin Morton – Parent

  1. Welcome
    1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes (1/11/21) – Lara moved to approve, Victor-2nd, all present approved.
    2. Scribe for this meeting’s minutes – Cinnamin.
  2. Summary of Final Report
    1. No data to report due to the school year being modified.
    2. In place of the data, a paragraph will be on the website detailing how money was spent.
      1. $55,625 – intervention aides
      2. $14,425.66 – various reading materials and website resources
      3. $6,873 – Chromebooks
      4. $3,000 – Software
      5. $2,962.23 – Subs for Professional Development for the 2019-2020 school year
  3. Discuss TSSP and LAND Trust Plan and school needs
    1. TSSP & LAND Trust Plan is due with signatures 4/13/2021.
    2. This year’s LAND Trust money is being used for: a 5th Brain Booster teacher/drama, an art teacher who is integrating content areas into her instruction and aides.
      1. In the past, money has been used for Chromebooks. Tech is asking that this money not be used for this purposed going forward. A new process is being put into place at the middle and high schools, and there will be surplus that will allow Tech to take over renewal instead.
    3. Review of math data and reading data for 2020-2021 to inform TSSP & LAND Trust Discussion
      1. The reading goal is typically set at 80%.
      2. The Acadience program is used to measure student progress in K-3 (Fall/Winter).
        1. Data for kindergarten and first grade shows at/above goal. These grades started the year very strong.
        2. Data for 2nd grade was significantly lower at the start of the year, but has gone up this winter to meet the goal. The drop seen at the beginning of the year could be due to missing the end of the year which includes some crucial phonics skills.
        3. Data for 3rd grade shows slight gain this winter and is above goal.
      3. Reading Inventory (RI) is used to measure student progress in 4th/5th grade. The scores here show a lower/different percentage.
        1. Data for 4th grade shows significant increase.
        2. Data for 5th grade shows slight increase.
          1. 5th grade is in need of more improvement. There is a plan in place to help facilitate an upward trend. Teachers are working on building student stamina and giving students choice in what they read.
      4. Math Composite Data for grades 3-5 (Fall/Winter)
        1. Whole school data shows a slight increase this winter but still needs improvement to reach the goal (80%). Math manipulatives and Dreambox are in place to increase scores.
        2. Data for 2nd grade was again lower in the fall but increased significantly to meet the goal for the winter. The use of manipulatives and nubmer talks are being employed.
        3. Data for 3rd grade also shows good gain, but there is still more ground to make up. Manipulatives, Dreambox and small groups are in place.
        4. Data for 4th grade shows good growth.
        5. Data for 5th grade shows a very slight dip and is still under the goal. Teachers and admin are problem-solving together. Math in 5th grade gets significantly more difficult, and it looks as though this particular group is missing some skills. The district did discontinue the use of a math fluency program, which could be a factor as well.
      5. Takeaways for math and reading data
        1. Reading scores in most cases are higher than they have ever been.
        2. Math is the bigger concern at this point.
    4. Discussion on how to use monies to support student achievement and well-being.
      1. Dreambox (math program) for the entire school
        1. Dreambox grant currently pays for 300 kids
        2. Ms. Stacy will look into the cost of a school license (possibly $6,000)
      2. Reflex Math
        1. For use with kids that need additional fluency practice
        2. Ms. Stacy will look into the cost of a school license (possibly $3,000)
      3. Ms. Stacy will look into the cost for licenses for NewsELA, EPIC and additional classroom library books
      4. Keep funding for positions and professional development
        1. Increase art teacher to .75
        2. Keep 5th Brain Booster teacher for drama
        3. Continue funding .5 counselor
      5. Continue to provide feedback to the district about the high demand for speech services at Lone Peak. LAND Trust money cannot provide funding because it’s a Federal program. The district should be able to adjust for Lone Peak’s needs.
      6. Professional Development didn’t happen as it has in past years, but we need to continue funding this so our teacher experts can continue their work.
    5. Ms. Stacy will email the SCC with the information she finds out (i.e.) costs, etc.) on the above items, so we are ready to make a decision and approve the plan at our March meeting. Please plan to attend so we can mee the deadline ahead of schedule.
  4. PTA Update
    1. This week is Chinese New Year (February 8th-12th)
      1. The PTA has decorated the school and provided party boxes for students to ensure the celebration can still happen. The boxed include crafts and treats. Online students can also pick one up from the school.
    2. The Book Fair was virtual this year. The money raised will be used for Scholastic dollars for the vending machine. About $2,000 was raised, which is less than previous years.
  5. Brooke moved to adjourn the meeting. Zac-2nd. All present approved.
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