11515 South High Mesa Drive, Sandy, UT 84092

February 10, 2020 – Minutes


Tracy Stacy – Principal √
Toni Williams – Teacher 
Crystal Waters – Teacher √

Michelle Pearce – Chair √
Zac Watne – Vice Chair √
Jennifer Baxter 
Brooke D’Sousa √
Sadie Knutsen √
Lara Liu √
Teresa Mayall √
Raquel Myers √
Doug Myers √

Other Attendees:

  • Cassie Walker (Art Teacher/Parent) 
  • Sharla Arnold (Instructional Assistant/Parent)
  • Andrea Jacobs (Teacher)
  • Amanda Oaks (Board Member)
  1. Welcome
    1. Approval of last meeting’s minutes (1/13/20)
      • Lara Liu motion to approve minutes
      • Teresa Mayall 2nd
      • All present approved
    2.  Scribe for this meeting’s minutes – Principal Stacy
  2. Follow up discussion of TSSP (Teacher Student Success Act – replaces CSIP) and LAND Trust Plan for upcoming school year 
    1. Principal Stacy reviewed current goals and expenditures. Proposed goals for next year:
      1. 80% of grades 1-3 students to show typical or better growth as measured by Acadience Reading
      2. Students in grades 3-5 to increase Rise scores by 3% in both math and science. 
    2. Option for expenditures
      1. Pay for ½ of full-time schol counselor salary
      2. Increase art teacher’s hours for more integration of content
      3. Add 5th Brain Booster to integrate content. Sharla presented a theatre arts proposal for 5th Brain Boosters indicating it benefits students by allowing them to transfer their knowledge from one area to another and deepens their understanding.
      4. Add additional aides (per teachers’ requests)
      5. Purchase or build science kits
      6. Purchase licenses for Dreambox math
      7. Add computer Brain Booster
      8. Add music Brain Booster
      9. Online reading program (“Raz Kids” program)
      10. Purchase more chrome books. (This can be done out of the equipment budget instead of land trust if needed)
      11. Field trips
      12. Dancing classrooms for 5th grade
      13. Copies of battle of the books
    3. SCC ranked priorities of options, as follows:
      1. ½ of school counselor salary
      2. Extend art BTSA hours – with Cassie
      3. Add 5th Brain Booster – theatre with Sharla
      4. Add one aide for a total of 8 aides(~$64K for total of 8 aides)
      5. Dreambox math (100 licenses ~ $3K)
      6. Purchase science kits (~$2500 / kit to purchase, one kit per classroom)
    4. Principal Stacy will research the costs and provide detail next meeting.
    5. SCC acknowledged importance of attendance at the next SCC meeting in March to vote.
  3. Discuss professional development – n/a – nothing new to discuss
  4. PTA Update – n/a
  5. Other – n/a
  6. Adjourn
    1. Zac Watne motion to adjourn
    2. Crystal Waters 2nd
    3. All present approved
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