September News
Fantastic Start!
So far, the beginning of the school year has been fantastic! Students are happy in classrooms and everything is running smoothly. We still are in dire need of a few key positions being filled. Emergency Substitutes and Instructional Assistants are critical to the smooth running of our school. Substitutes are down district-wide so as the need arises, this shortage might mean that we need to combine classes to provide coverage. You can help us by applying to be an Emergency Sub here. Instructional Assistants help us to meet student needs in the areas of Math and Reading. We are short 2 assistants this year and we would be grateful for your help. These assistants work with students Monday-Thursday typically between the hours of 8:30 and 3:00. You can apply to be an assistant at Lone Peak here. We would really appreciate any help you can give us!
Below are additional ways in which you can help us continue to run smoothly.
1. Parking Lot (Pick Up and Drop Off)
Please remember that when orange cones are out, the parking lot is closed. We have many buses dropping students off and we are trying to get them to school safely. In general the lot is closed between 8:30 and 8:45.
2. Birthday Food
We are not accepting food or drinks for birthday treats. There are many food allergies and other medical issues and we would like to keep all of our students safe. Please feel free to send items which are not food or drink related if you wish to send in a birthday treat.
3. Water Bottles
Please send your students with water bottles each day. Currently we are not having students use drinking fountains and hydration is very important.
"No act of kindness, no matter how small is ever wasted." -AESOP
Important Dates
Summer Reading Store:
September 10th 9:30-10:30
School Pictures:
Monday, September 13th
School Community Council Meeting:
Monday, September 13th 3:30-4:30
Principal’s Pride:
Friday, September 17th
K-2nd: 9:00, 3rd-5th: 9:45
Book Fair:
September 22nd & 23rd
8:20-8:45, 11:15-1:15, 3:20-8:00
Parent Teacher Conferences:
September 22nd & 23rd
Short Day (Friday Schedule):
Thursday, September 23rd
No School:
Friday, September 24th
Boosterthon Fundraiser Begins:
September 29th
School Plan for Health 2021-2022
Notification and Health Procedure
Due to rising cases of COVID within our community, we have had many questions about our current school plan as well as notification procedures in the event of a close contact exposure. All of our school procedures for safety in regards to the pandemic can be found on our website but may also be found here.
I have also been asked about parent notification of an exposure. First, the district does provide a dashboard giving information about positive case numbers. This information is updated frequently and can be found here. When the school confirms a positive case with the health department, the school nurse and principal examine seating charts to determine where there are possible exposures (within 6 feet for more than 15 minutes). If we determine that a child has had a close exposure, you will be contacted via phone and email. You can also opt into the text option on skyward. Due to privacy regulations, we cannot divulge to you where the exposure took place, only that one occurred.
Hopefully this helps to clarify our procedures. Feel free to email Ms. Stacy with further questions.
School Goals
Continued Growth!
Each year our school sets goals for continued growth, which are tied to Land Trust funds and TSSA funds. This year our goals are:
1. By the end of the school year, 80% or more of students in grades K-3 will make typical or better growth on Acadience Pathways to Progress. Additionally 80% of grade 4-5 students who score Basic or Below Basic on Reading Inventory will advance at least one level.
2. By the end of the school year, students in grades 1-5 will grow 3% in proficiency to achieve 85% proficiency on Acadience Benchmark Data.
You can help us achieve these goals by having your child read every night and by helping your child with their homework. Together, we can achieve these goals!