Parent/Guardian and/or Student,
Are you in need of a computing device to access Canyons District’s online learning resources during the temporary school dismissal? We are surveying families to determine their technology needs. If you have adequate computer- and Internet-access at home, simply ignore this message. But if you have technology needs, please complete a questionnaire here. By responding to this questionnaire, you will be placed in a queue for the distribution of Chromebooks on a first-come, first-served and needs-identified basis, as determined by school administrators. Use of these devices will allow students to connect to the Internet and District resources. An existing Internet connection is required to use the device. For more information about CSD’s technology check-out program and other resources, please visit
This survey must be completed prior to 3/20/2020.
Please provide one response to this questionnaire for each student / device that you are requesting.